Monday, July 6, 2009

running server all the time !!!

Do you want to run your process all the time until its been closed explicitly by an applicaiton.

Its simple to do..


Implement your Decrementsessions function as follows,

if ( aShutDown )

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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Full Screen S60 Application:

To let your application to use the full screen, please add the following line in your Appview class.


This is a public API in ccoecontrol. So, any CCoeControl class can use this. After adding this line, your application will not be having any control pane or status pane.

Note: This code is tested on S60 5th edition and in portrait mode

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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Installing Qt on S60

1. Install needed IDE and SDKs

Make sure you have the following installed:
* Carbide.c++ v2.0.0 or higher
* S60 Platform SDK 3rd Edition FP1 or higher
* Open C/C++ for S60 3rd Edition (automatically included in 3.2 and higher)

These instructions assume the above tools are installed and that the enviroment variables for your compiler are set correctly.

Note: Users of S60 Platform SDK 3rd Edition FP1 also need special updates. The update can be found here.

Note: The wsini.ini provided with the S60 Platform SDK 5th Edition v0.9 needs to be updated for correct font rendering in the emulator. The update can be found here.
2. Install Qt

Uncompress the package into the directory you want Qt installed, e.g. C:\Qt\4.5.0-garden.

Note: Qt must be installed on the same drive as the S60 SDK you are using, and the install path must not contain any spaces.
3. Environment variables

In order to build and use Qt, the PATH environment variable needs to be extended:

PATH - to locate qmake, moc and other Qt tools

This is done by adding c:\Qt\4.5.0-garden\bin to the PATH variable.

On Windows the PATH can be extended by navigating to "Control Panel->System->Advanced->Environment variables".

In addition, you must configure the environment for use with the S60 emulator. This is done by locating the Carbide.c++ submenu on the Start menu, and choosing "Configure environment for WINSCW command line".
4. Configure Qt

To configure Qt for S60, do:

cd \Qt\4.5.0-garden
configure -platform win32-mwc -xplatform symbian-abld

For other options, type configure -help to get a list of all available options.
5. Build Qt

The Qt libraries comes pre-built for real devices. If you are using a 3.x S60 SDK, install qts60binaries\3.x\qtlibs-4.5.0-garden.exe into the S60 SDK root directory. For example: C:\Symbian\9.2\S60_3rd_FP1_2\ If you are using a 5.0 S60 SDK, install qts60binaries\5.0\qtlibs-4.5.0-garden.exe into the S60 SDK root directory. For example: C:\S60\devices\S60_5th_Edition_SDK_v0.9\

To build Qt for the emulator, type:

make debug-winscw

Congratulations, Qt is now ready to use.
6. Running Qt demos

We've included a subset of the Qt demos in this package for you to try out. An excellent starting point is the "fluidlauncher" demo. To run the demo on a real device, you first have to install the Qt libraries on the device. For 3.x devices install qts60binaries\3.x\qt_libs_armv5_udeb.sisx For 5.0 devices install qts60binaries\5.0\qt_libs_armv5_udeb.sisx included in this package to the device. Then type:

cd examples
make debug-gcce
cd ..\demos

make debug-gcce
cd embedded\fluidlauncher
createpackage -i fluidlauncher_gcce_udeb.pkg

This will create a self-signed fluidlauncher_gcce_udeb.sisx and install it to your device.

Note: You can specify your own certificate and key files as additional parameters to createpackage if default ones are not suitable.

To run the demos on the emulator simply run:

make run

Or, if you need to supply arguments to the program, navigate to %EPOCROOT%\Epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\ and start any of the Qt demos located there, for example:

wiggly.exe -small-screen

For more information about building and running Qt programs on S60, see S60 - Introduction to using Qt.

We hope you will enjoy using Qt.

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