Friday, May 2, 2008


The registration file

All applications must provide a registration file.

A registration file is a standard Symbian OS compiled resource file (.rsc). The .rss file used to build the registration file should be named AppName_reg.rss and contain at least the following lines:

#include appinfo.rh
UID2 KUidAppRegistrationResourceFile
UID3 0x01000000 // application UID
app_file="AppName"; // filename of application binary (minus extension)

To build the registration file, add the following lines to the application's MMP file:

START RESOURCE AppName_reg.rss
TARGETPATH \private\10003a3f\apps //Dont think 10003a3f is the uid of the app.

The _reg filename suffix is used as a naming convention only and is not mandatory.

Note that any lines in the MMP file that are used to build an AIF file should be removed.


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