Interfacing UART in Symbian
Accessing any port in symbian needs the following steps
- Load physical DD
- Load logical DD
- Connect to RCommServer
- Connect RComm client to Server
- Load the specific port module (.CSY file)
- Configure and Open
- Do the operation
Here is a piece of code explains how to interface with UART in symbian
TInt err = User::LoadPhysicalDevice(PDD_NAME);
if (err != KErrNone && err != KErrAlreadyExists)
RDebug::Printf("Loading of Physical drive failed\n");
// Load the logical device driver.
err = User::LoadLogicalDevice(LDD_NAME);
if (err != KErrNone && err != KErrAlreadyExists)
RDebug::Printf("Loading of Logical drive failed\n");
#if 1 //!defined (__WINS__)
// Start the comms server process
err = StartC32();
if (err != KErrNone && err != KErrAlreadyExists)
RDebug::Printf("StartC32 failed\n");
// Connect to the Serial comms server.
RDebug::Printf("Success: CommServer connect\n");
// Load the CSY module.
RDebug::Printf("Success: CommServer RS232 Loading\n");
TInt numPorts;
User::LeaveIfError(iCommServer.NumPorts (numPorts));
RDebug::Printf("Success: CommServer returned number of ports & the number of ports = %d", numPorts);
//we are really only interested in using the CSY that we've
// just loaded up ourselves. We could find out its portInfo by
// comparing the moduleName returned by the version of GetPortInfo we
// just used to the name of the CSY we loaded, but there's a better
// version of GetPortInfo we can use, which just takes the name of a CSY
// as a parameter. We'd expect to find this informtion is an exact
// duplicate of the indexed portInfo for the last loaded CSY
// Our example code will use the lowest possible port (why not?)
TSerialInfo portInfo;
TBuf16 <> moduleName;
for (TInt index=0 ; index <>
User::LeaveIfError(iCommServer.GetPortInfo (index, moduleName, portInfo));
RDebug::Print(_L("module name = %S"), &moduleName);
RDebug::Print(_L("Port name = %S"), &(portInfo.iName));
RDebug::Print(_L("Port Description = %S"), &(portInfo.iDescription));
RDebug::Printf("Port high unit = %d", portInfo.iHighUnit);
RDebug::Printf("Port Low unit = %d", portInfo.iLowUnit);
User::LeaveIfError(iCommServer.GetPortInfo (RS232, portInfo));
RDebug::Printf("Success: CommServer returned port information \n");
RDebug::Print(_L("Port name = %S"), &(portInfo.iName));
RDebug::Print(_L("Port Description = %S"), &(portInfo.iDescription));
RDebug::Printf("Port high unit = %d", portInfo.iHighUnit);
RDebug::Printf("Port Low unit = %d", portInfo.iLowUnit);
// Now let's use a few Symbian OS functions to construct a descriptor for the
// name of the lowest port our CSY supports -
// The name can be as long as a TSerialInfo.iName plus a
// couple of colons and digits
TBuf16 <> portName; // declare an empty descriptor buffer
portName.Num (portInfo.iLowUnit); // put in the port number in ASCII
portName.Insert (0, KColons); // stick in a couple of colons
portName.Insert (0, portInfo.iName); // and lead off with the iName
// and at last we can open the first serial port,which we do here in exclusive mode
RComm commPort;
User::LeaveIfError(commPort.Open (iCommServer, portName, ECommExclusive));
RDebug::Printf("Success: Commport Open\n");
// Now we can configure our serial port
// we want to run it at 115200 bps 8 bits no parity (why not?)
// so maybe we ought to get of its capabilities and check it can
// do what we want before going ahead
TCommCaps ourCapabilities;
commPort.Caps (ourCapabilities);
if (((ourCapabilities ().iRate & KCapsBps115200) == 0) ||
((ourCapabilities ().iDataBits & KCapsData8) == 0) ||
((ourCapabilities ().iStopBits & KCapsStop1) == 0) ||
((ourCapabilities ().iParity & KCapsParityNone) == 0))
User::Leave (KErrNotSupported);
TCommConfig portSettings;
commPort.Config (portSettings);
portSettings ().iRate = EBps115200;
portSettings ().iParity = EParityNone;
portSettings ().iDataBits = EData8;
portSettings ().iStopBits = EStop1;
// as well as the physical characteristics, we need to set various logical ones
// to do with handshaking, behaviour of reads and writes and so so
portSettings ().iFifo = EFifoEnable;
//portSettings ().iHandshake = (KConfigObeyCTS | KConfigFreeRTS); // for cts/rts
portSettings ().iHandshake = (KConfigObeyXoff | KConfigSendXoff); // for xon/xoff
// portSettings ().iHandshake = KConfigFailDSR;
portSettings ().iTerminator[0] = 10;
portSettings ().iTerminatorCount = 1; // so that we terminate a read on each line feed arrives
User::LeaveIfError(commPort.SetConfig (portSettings));
RDebug::Printf("Success: Commport Config\n");
// now turn on DTR and RTS, and set our buffer size
commPort.SetSignals (KSignalDTR, 0);
commPort.SetSignals (KSignalRTS, 0);
TInt curlenth = commPort.ReceiveBufferLength ();
commPort.SetReceiveBufferLength (4096);
curlenth = commPort.ReceiveBufferLength ();
const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 KTimeOut(4000000);
TRequestStatus stat;
commPort.Write (stat, KTimeOut, (TDesC8&)KFileName);
User::WaitForRequest (stat);
err = stat.Int ();
if (err != KErrNone) // Write has failed for some reason
RDebug::Printf("Failure: Commport Write and the reason is %d\n", err);
RDebug::Printf("Success: Commport Write\n");
TBuf8 <> localInputBuffer;
TRequestStatus readStat;
//Reading the written buffer
commPort.Read (readStat, localInputBuffer, 20);
User::LeaveIfError (readStat.Int ());
RDebug::Printf("Success: Commport Read\n");
RDebug::Print(_L("Read buffer is %S"), &localInputBuffer);
commPort.Close ();
iCommServer.Close ();
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